Kathy Caprino has been someone I’ve looked up to for a long time! Ever since I embarked on my career coaching journey a few years ago, I’ve followed Kathy and her work. My words will do no justice to her accomplishments and how far she has come along – A world class career coach, regular contributor at Forbes.com, some of her posts on LinkedIn have acquired more than a million views, she rubs shoulders with the who-is-who in the personal development and business space – names like Shawn Achor, Gretchen Rubin, Brendon Burchard and many more, co-host of her own podcast show! The list is endless. Check her out at kathycaprino.com. More recently she gave her first TedX talk here in Atlanta and that is where I had the opportunity to personally meet Kathy.
Let’s jump right into some of my takeaways from meeting my informal mentor (I learn from studying Kathy’s work):
- Graciousness: I had reached out to Kathy asking to meet her as soon I was aware of her event. We had decided to meet the day of the event. As my brother was visiting me the day of the TedX event, I was unfortunately not able to attend the event. I again reached out to Kathy, a couple days prior to the event and explained the situation. Kathy was so gracious to meet with me on a Saturday before her flight. She has never met me before and she graciously offered her time.
- LESSON: What I learnt from her gesture is to be gracious to everyone you meet irrespective of your prior relation or lack of one!
- Authentic and Down-To-Earth: When I met Kathy, her authenticity blew me away! I felt like I knew her from many years( I kind of did, as I have studied all her work), but she lived up to the image I had built of her over the years. She was kind enough to let me take her to a deli for a casual lunch.
- LESSON: Irrespective of your stature in society, remain down-to-earth and do not have any airs about you.
- Adding Value: During the course of our conversation, Kathy was again kind of enough to ask me how she can help me with my coaching practice. My intention for meeting Kathy was to spend time with Kathy and get to know her personally, not to use this as an opportunity to get free advice. Kathy gently nudged me to share my journey and my plans and then went to brainstorm some ideas with me. I found it invaluable to get her perspective on things.
- LESSON: Add value to another person every opportunity you can in whatever way possible!
- Being vulnerable: Kathy was meeting me for the first time and when I asked her about her experience with the TedX event, she was not hesitant about sharing her true experiences and getting vulnerable! I was touched by that act, since I struggle with getting vulnerable with people. I also realized how being vulnerable is part of being your authentic self and makes it easier to forge relationships with people.
- LESSON: Be yourself and get vulnerable if you can with people. Nothing wrong in doing so!
An hour and some more, just flew with Kathy! What a delightful and insightful person you are Kathy!
LESSON: Reach out to your heroes and mentors. As long as you are authentic and genuine and not looking to ‘gain’ something from them, you may be able to meet them and start building a relation. It was an honor and an inspiration for me to meet someone I personally look up to.
Who do you look up to and aspire to meet someday?
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