It may be that time of the year again for some folks-the allegedly ‘dreaded’ performance review period. Most working people go through the performance review period either quarterly,semiannually, annually or at the end of a project. The goal of the Performance Review is to evaluate an employee’s performance in the job through the review period and provide feedback for improved performance Why do people dread it then? Why do some folks find it a tricky situation that they don’t look forward to instead of it being a treat that they look forward to?
Lets explore the causes and possible approaches to make it a TREAT for everyone.
Platform to voice concerns – This is the number 1 reason why people dread performance reviews! They believe this is the time their manager is going to voice all their concerns about them and then penalize them with a minimal or no increase pay or bonus.
What can bosses do – Bosses can significantly alleviate this by doing a couple of things: -By offering feedback at a appropriate moment rather than waiting to come together to the performance review table. When you notice that an employee could have done something better or handled something differently, you can take a minute of your day and offer your advice to the employee on the spot as a coaching moment. This strategy does depend on the culture of the organization as well. Another thing that the boss can do at the table is to ensure they voice the areas of improvement conversation in a positive manner, meaning not in a reprimanding tone. Also, to remind themselves and the employees about the goals and vision of the job that require them to do or handle things in a certain manner.
What can employees do – On the employee side, its all in the mental attitude. If you go in to the conversation with an attitude of this is all for my betterment, whatever advice or concerns that are voiced are to help me do better and perform better, it makes receiving feedback a lot easier.
Prepare for the conversation – This is a critical step for both parties.
What can a bosses do – Taking time to review and think through the employee’s accomplishments and areas of improvement is important to have a good conversation. This will enable you to plan activities and tasks for the next cycle as well
What can employees do – Preparing information to highlight how you have added value over the past review cycle will enable you to highlight the value you are bringing to the team and organization. Also, prepare to receive feedback around things you can do better or different.
Structure of the review conversation :
What can bosses do – Be genuine when you start with their strengths. Most people generally structure their conversation to talk a minute or two about the employee’s strengths and then move on to ‘bash’ the employee(as perceived by employees). Starting with the strengths is definitely great, but remember to be genuine about it. Don’t make it appear like a customary topic that you have to get through before moving on to the next topic. In addition to talking about strengths and areas of improvement, remember to make time to talk about goals for the next review cycle and solicit feedback from the employees around any other areas of concern. Remember that this has to be 2 way conversation not a discourse where the boss is talking mostly and the employee does not have a chance to voice his thoughts. In organizations, where salary changes are part of the conversation, remember to schedule enough time to make sure you are able to adequately communicate any changes or no changes and the reasons appropriately.
What can employees do – Most employees are prepared to hear about their strengths or the value they added first. DUring the areas of development discussion, be prepared to talk and highlight any examples that may illustrate any misperception if it has occurred. Also, if 360 appraisals are applicable, this may be brought up during the discussion. Make note of all the people who offered feedback and be prepared to followup with them later to thank them for taking time to provide input.
Attitude towards the discussion:
What can bosses do – This is not a time to wear the strict school teacher hat or to go in with a reprimanding attitude. This is the time to convey the person’s value to the company and to help them develop into better performers by giving them valuable input as needed.
What can employees do – Genuinely appreciate the fact that your strengths are recognized and valued. When feedback is offered for better performance, do not take it negatively. Keep an open mind and seek instances to understand what is truly being conveyed. Also, validate your understanding of the expectation as needed. This is not the time to throw the hat if you hear anything not agreeable to you.
Goal of the discussion: Ideally both the boss and employee should emerge energized out of the conversation with a plan of action or with a plan to create a plan of action for the next review period. That should be the goal.
What can bosses do – Make sure you are spend time understanding the person’s long term goals and also their goals and aspirations for the coming period. Make sure to ask if there are particular projects or tasks they would like to be involved in. And also share your vision about how you see them playing a role.
What can employees do – make sure to help your boss understand what you would like to focus on in the coming period, any training and development needs you are interesting in availing and understand the vision for the department/company as applicable.
Salary Discussions:
What can bosses do – Make sure you validate the decision that was made regarding the salary adjustments. If the employee has a concern, make sure to note it down and see if there are alternate solutions within the legal and HR bounds that may provide relief.
What can employees do – Make sure to understand the reasoning behind what is offered or not offered. This is not the time to throw in the hat and walk out. If you are not pleased, take some to reflect on the reasoning offered and make a decision if needed at a later point.
What can bosses do – If you promise to circle back with the employee regarding something, make sure to do so.
What can employees do – Circle back with your boss about any plans or actions that you mention during review. Also take a few minutes to thank the folks who offered feedback on 360s as applicable.
Now that you are all prepared, look forward to YOUR TREAT or delivering a TREAT!
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